The Movie Club has the largest collection of DVDs of any private club in Singapore. Currently, we have over 8,000 DVDs and we add about 20 new DVDs every month. We mainly buy popular, newly released titles – Action & Adventure, Drama, Crime, Comedy, Suspense/Thriller and TV Series from Amazon (US). These DVDs are classified and approved by IMDA.

The Movie Club organises exciting movies events and movie screenings. These additional screenings enhance the entertainment experience exclusively for the Movie Club Members.


DVD Catalogue

To view the catalogue, please click here



For assistance, please contact the Librarian, by phone to +65 6622 0494 / 0495.

Operating Hours

Main Library

Monday to Friday: 9.00am to 7.00pm
Saturday and Sunday: 9.00am to 6.00pm
Public Holidays: 9.00am to 2.00pm 


Junior Library

Monday to Friday: 11.00am to 7.00pm
Weekends: 10.00am to 6.00pm
Public Holidays: 10.00am to 6.00pm


Borrowing DVDs

You may borrow six DVDs at a time for one week.

Returning DVDs

DVDs should be returned to the Main Library or Junior Library. If the Library is closed, you may return them at the Front Desk in the Main Lobby.

Renewing Loans

You may renew your DVD loan by sending an email to the Library, providing the DVD has not been reserved by another member.


You may reserve three DVDs at a time by sending an email to the Library or in person at the Library Counter. You will be notified by telephone or email when the DVD is ready for collection and you should collect it within three days.


Suggestions for new DVDs are always welcome. There are Suggestion Books in the Main Library and Junior Library or you may send an email to the Library.

Catalogue - User Guide

If you are unfamiliar with OPAC, you may access the user guide by clicking here

New DVDs

Each month, a list of new DVD releases is published in the Club's magazine. The list is also emailed to all Movie Club Members.

Email e-Newsletter

To stay informed, you may sign up for our e-Newsletter on the registration form or by giving your details to the Library staff. You may unsubscribe at any time.


Children whose parents are Members of the DVD Section may borrow DVDs from the Junior Library within the overall limit of six DVDs per Member.

Children may renew a DVD for another week provided it has not been reserved by another member.

Children may reserve DVDs at the Junior Library Counter. Parents will be notified by telephone or email when the DVD is ready for collection and Members should collect it within three days.

Fines & Penalties

Reminders are sent by email before the due date of return.

The fine for late returns is $0.25 per day and up to $60 for a DVD that is lost or damaged.

It shall be assumed that the last borrower was responsible for any loss or damage.

Borrowing privileges will be suspended if any DVD that has been borrowed for 90 days or more has not been returned.

Absence of a reminder is not a valid reason for a waiver of fines.

Join the Movie Club

To join the Movie Club, please complete a registration form available at the Main Library or Junior Library. The minimum period of membership is six months, after which one month's notice is required if you wish to resign.